Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Names

So I decided to take a poll because I just can't decide. Les and I (okay mostly me) have been pouring over names for a while. We finally had a family council not too long ago and strictly talked about potential baby names(while carving pumpkins). So here are our top two.

Alyza or Aliza

I just want to get some opinions and knowing my track record she won't look like either name and well call her Matilda, or Helga, or Ezmeralda or something like unto it.

Jayne has been super sweet. She gives my bulging belly hugs and tells me how excited she is to see and meet her sister. Playing with her with flesh in between is just nor cutting it for Jayne. Although she did ask me if the baby was going to play with Ethan (the little boy I watch for 3 1/2 hours everyday). I had to break the news that once little sister comes we will only see Ethan at church on Sunday. She was crushed but asked if she could still play with the baby. Which ended up being a conversation about how little a baby does for a while. We will see how excited she is after the baby is born. Hopefully the attention from Grandma's on both sides will help distract her for a while. Thanks for being willing to come with the Grand kids for a while Moms.


Jessie said...

I think I like Evie! Evie Auger....I think it has a ring to it :) I'm so excited for you to have another girl Cynde! I miss you and wish I could see you and your cute belly.

Jenn said...

I agree with Jessie. I like Evie! Congrats! You are on the home stretch!

The Augers said...

Definitely Evie!