Monday, July 28, 2008

Dora the Explorer and Star Wars

I just thought I would post some birthday pictures of my kids. Jayne had a Dora Adventure birthday party for her fourth birthday. We had a gooey geyser and a crocodile pond and guess what we did find the birthday cake. We also played water games with guns and balloons. Yeah, it was fun. Fifteen kids is a lot of kids at a party. She has a lot of little girls in her primary class, and a few other girls from her dance class and a neighbor were invited. Impressive cake huh? That is from the combined total of zero art classes I ever took. It is not my forte for sure. But it will due and it tastes just as good as a pretty cake.
Isaac turned 6 this year and had a Star Wars pary. This actually was a very fun party. He had friends form church come to celebrate. We made character masks, had Jedi training, Guess the character, and a piniata. We were having so much fun we didn't finish all that we had planned. There was no time for guess who said it, pin the lightsaber on Darth Vader, pass the death star, or the melemium falcon relay.

These were my first attempts at birthday parties for my kids and their friends. Overall it was a lot of fun and even my kids had a great time.


THE AUG BLOG said...

Sounds like some good parties! I'm lovin the Star Wars theme! What a riot!

camille said...

Hey, I didn't even know you were blogging....good to know and now I'll check up on you guys. Take care